LAST NIGHT, NATIONAL treasure Francis Brennan appeared on The Late Late Show to promote his new homeware line for Dunnes Stores.
The collection includes terry cloth bathrobes, good towels, and velvet bedspreads. The height of luxury and notions, really.
To promote his new line, Ryan Tubridy decided to coerce Francis Brennan into performing a live duvet cover demonstration.
Brennan took the challenge on with gusto and proceeded to turn the duvet cover inside out.
And he provided live commentary throughout the whole process.
Take the two corners, one corner all the way into the top — isn’t that right, girls?
When Tubs asked if Francis was doing it right, they roared “NO!” and made it abundantly clear that they disagreed with this methods
Soon he found himself struggling.
And presumably pondering, “Why is the duvet so bloody bunchy? Why didn’t my flawless inside out method work?” Not to worry, Francis. A bastarding duvet has destroyed many a man.
Eventually a woman from the audience came up to assist Francis.
And scolded him for not doing it properly in the first place.
Giving Francis a piece of her mind.
You put it at the wrong corner at the feckin’ start.
Eventually they got it sorted.
Meanwhile, everyone at home was left wondering if this was really how we were spending out Friday nights.
Only in Ireland.